Fiona Kastrop ist Medienkünstlerin, Filmemacherin und Teil der Freien Theaterszene. Sie studierte Szenische Künste und Medienkunst und war als Inspizientin und Regieassistentin mehrere Jahre fest am Hans Otto Theater in Potsdam engagiert. Sie bewegt sich mit ihren Arbeiten zwischen Performance, Installation und experimentellem Dokumentarfilm. Dabei erforscht sie seltsame Landschaften, Wahrnehmung und Erinnerung, Prozesse, Chaos und Ordnung, Schichten und Ausschnitte. Es geht um Sichtbares und Unsichtbares – digitale Welten, aber genauso um Schere, Stift und Papier.


My name is Fiona Kastrop, I am a Media Artist working with Film and Media- Installations as well as theatre and performance. I graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Media Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar and a Bachelors Degree in Scenic Arts at the University of Hildesheim, where I majored in performing arts, media and cultural policy.

Since 2015 I am working as a freelance director, assistant director and dramaturgical assistent for theatre collectives and in different film contexts next to my own artistic work.

During my B.A. time I worked as a Research Assistant in the Institute for Theatre, Media and Popular Culture in the Media Department at University of Hildesheim.

Until starting my artistic and academic education I was part of the Ensemble at Hans Otto Theater Potsdam in the position of a Stage Manager and Assistant Director for four years, that followed a yearlong Internship in Prop Design at the same house.